Dafen Portrait FAQS

Questions about Dafen Portrait

Hopefully the following common questions have the answers you need. If not, please contact us directly.

Our creative base is in Dafen Village, Shenzhen. She is known as the World Oil Painting Art Factory. There are tens of thousands of oil painting artists gathered here, including very famous realistic oil painting artists. We will select the best artists to create and guarantee quality.
In general our artist takes 5-7 days to create, then 2-3 days to dry before framing/shipping. all parcels will be shipped out via Express Service, such as EMS/UPS/ DHL, delivery period around 3-5 working days. (Door to Door).
Yes, that is possible! We can combine them into one painting, please give us your comments in the remarks section to explain how you would like the paintings combined.

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Dafen Portrait